Indah Gustri Rahayu
5 min readFeb 17, 2021


What Is Domino Effect?

Domino Effect is a chain reaction or a cumulative effect that happens when one incident causes a series of other occurrences. Such as a chain effect that is generated when we arrange a piece of domino which is arranged in a row and then it is dropped onto another chip which then causes the domino chip to fall and results in one event that triggers another sequence of events in sequence. Which describes two things that have cause and effect and involve other events chronologically. Every plan or design, in whatever form it is, must have an effect or effect that accompanies the decision of that plan or design. So that there is no plan or design that has no results. All have results, either negative or positive. Only, waiting for the time and place, where these results will occur and written in the trajectory of history.

One Of The Cases That Can Lead To A Domino Effect?

A Hong Kong teenager 19-year-old named (Chan Tong-kai or Chen Tongjia was killed his girlfriend (Amber Poon Hiu-wing aka Pan Xiaoying) 20 year old. While they were on vacation in Taiwan together on February 17, 2018. He and his girlfriend are from Hong Kong and are on vacation in Taiwan. In Taipei, Chan Tong-kai and Poon Hiu-wing get into a big fight. In the middle of an argument, Poon Hiu-wing confesses that the baby she was carrying is not Chan Tong-kai’s. Filled with anger, Chan Tong-kai killed his girlfriend. His body was put in a suitcase and thrown into the Tamsui River. After that, Chen Tongjia fled Taiwan and returned to Hong Kong. Poon Hiu-wing’s parents were worried about their son, who had been missing for several days. to the Hong Kong police. Chan Tong-kai was summoned by the police and he confessed to killing Poon Hiu-wing in Taiwan. But there is one problem. The crime was committed by Chan Tong-kai. in Taiwan, outside the jurisdiction of Hong Kong. Thus, the crimes he committed cannot be tried in Hong Kong, only in Taiwan. But Taiwan and Hong Kong do not have extradition treaties.

This is where the problem begins. Hong Kong is a special region. Even though it was handed over by the British to China in 1997, 1997 Hong Kong was returned to China from Britain. Mass demonstrations were held to oppose the amendment to the Extradition Bill. The history of this case actually stems from the handover of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from Great Britain or Great Britain to the Chinese government on July 1, 1997.

Hong Kong retains its special autonomy. As such, mainland China and Hong Kong have different laws. For Hong Kong pro-democracy activists, China seeks an opportunity to strengthen its influence over Hong Kong by proposing extradition laws between China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Pro-democracy activists fear that if this law is passed, many pro-democracy activists will be arrested by Chinese authorities and will be tried according to the law in mainland China.

Previously, Hongkong had also held a large-scale demonstration called the Yellow Umbrellas Movement or the Umbrella Movement. The Umbrella Movement is a political movement that emerged during democracy-related protests in Hong Kong in 2014. It was named the “Umbrella Movement” because demonstrators used umbrellas as a means of passive resistance against Hong Kong police during the 79 days of city occupation to demand free elections. , which was triggered by a decision by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC) dated 31 August 2014 which required selective screening of candidates for Hong Kong Chief Executive of 2017.

Who is the pioneer of this demonstration?

The Yellow Umbrella movement is also led by a young man named Joshua Wong. Joshua Wong is one of the leaders of Demosisto, a party that supports democratic change in Hong Kong (pro-democracy). In 2014, the Yellow Umbrella Movement lasted 79 days. He was indicted and sentenced several times in connection with the demonstration, and spent three times in prison for it. On May 16, 2019, Wong was again imprisoned for his involvement in the demonstration and considered insulting the court. He was released from Lai Chi Kok Prison on June 17 after serving a five-week sentence. After that, he again plunged into anti-government demonstrations. Joshua Wong also founded a pro-democracy student activist group, called Scholarism. He successfully challenged the government and since then has become widely known. In 2012 he managed to incite more than 100,000 people to protest against Hong Kong’s plans to implement a compulsory patriotic education system in schools. The movement is made up of thousands of people who participated in protests that began on 26 September 2014, although the main groups driving it were Scholarism, the Hong Kong Federation of Students and Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP). Since the start of the protests in 2014, activists of the movement have complained of harassment from political opponents that is “worrying and akin to treatment of democracy activists in China and their families”. They have also been prosecuted and jailed for participating in protests.

Why Hong Kong citizens really support this demonstration of anti-government on large-scale protests?

Hong Kong is one country that has two systems of government, namely the Chinese government and the Hong Kong Government itself, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam said he would not revoke a bill that allows a suspect to be extradited to China, despite massive demonstrations. The Government is also pro-China, The existence of the Extradition Bill (RUU), the Extradition Bill will allow people charged with crimes in Hong Kong to be sent to China to be tried, the perception of Hong Kong citizens who think this step will turn criminals receive inhuman treatment if extradited to China and follow the country’s laws. This has also raised concerns from entrepreneurs and created negative sentiment on the investment climate in Hong Kong. Finally, massive protests and demonstrations ensued.

What is the conclusion of this case with its relation to the Domino effect?

Like the domino effect that fell earlier that started with. And it all started just because a 19 year old teenager killed his girlfriend, and managed to make the Hong Kong demonstration happen in a big way that shaped the new history of Hong Kong and China. Chan Tong-kai might not have thought that the crime he committed would make the History book in Hong Kong even thicker.

Joshua : Teeneger VS Superpower

Unstable times can create the unlikeliest of heroes. When the promise of Hong Kong’s autonomy was at risk, 14 year old Joshua Wong decided to speak up. Amid the glistening cityscape, filmmaker Joe Piscatella introduces viewers to a teenaged activist who inspired tens of thousands to stand up for their beliefs.

Indah Gustri Rahayu

Writing Creator with a growth mindset is determined in an affiliated institution. Always striving for excellence and constantly learning for the best.